Piper PA-46-301P Malibu
ECI: Cylinder/Barrel Separation
Aircraft was climbing through 8000 feet when pilot experienced a “pop” followed by engine roughness. After a safe landing, a significant amount of oil was visible on the cowling. Inspection revealed the #6 cylinder had separated.
Part total time: 632.0 hours
Piper PA-28-181 Archer II/III
Superior: Cracks At Lower Spark Plug
During a routine inspection, several cracks were discovered at #1 cylinder’s lower spark plug hole. After the cylinder was removed, numerous cracks could be seen in the inside of cylinder head to either side of the lower spark plug hole. The cylinder showed no indication of extreme heat.
Part total time: 1742.0 hours
Cessna 402B
Superior: Crack At Injector Port
The #2 cylinder cracked between the fins aft of the fuel injector, near the intake valve, and was leaking fuel. This cylinder was manufactured with the metal thickness around the intake valve area too thin. The operator states it has 250-plus failures of this brand cylinder over several years.
Part total time: 1219 hours

Cessna 210L Centurion
Superior: Crack At Upper Spark Plug
During a 100-hour inspection, a cylinder head was discovered cracked from the fuel injector port to the upper spark plug by visual inspection. During compression test using soapy water, bubbles came from cooling fins above exhaust port.
Part total time: 882.0 hours
Beechcraft A36 Bonanza
ECI: Crack Near Exhaust Port
During an annual inspection, the technician discovered the #2 and #6 cylinders were cracked and leaking on the exhaust side at around the 17th fin from the bottom.
Part total time: 1041 hours
Beechcraft 58P Pressurized Baron
TCM: Low Compression
During an annual inspection, a differential compression check was performed. The #6 cylinder compression was 32 psi, with leaking past exhaust valve. Removed cylinder assembly and sent it to the manufacturer for repairs.
Part total time: 58.0 hours
de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver
PWC: Barrel Separation
While returning to base, engine suddenly began running rough. After checking fuel, mags and carb heat, the pilot climbed and continued to destination. The approach and landing were uneventful. Inspection revealed the #6 cylinder had separated at the top of the barrel. No metal contamination was found in the engine. Cylinder replaced with an overhauled unit.
Part total time: Unknown