Miscellaneous Aircraft
Randolph Tank Sealing Compound
While an unspecified aircraft was undergoing renovation, a steel fuel tank was sealed using a Randolph Aircraft Products sloshing compound.
Ten months after being put back into service, the aircraft had accumulated 6.0 hours without abnormalities. Shortly after the next takeoff, the engine quit. The pilot landed on the remaining runway but the aircraft was substantially damaged.
Investigation revealed the sloshing compound had failed and flaked off the tanks interior, clogging the fuel line.
In response to another accident involving one of its products, Piper Aircraft issued Service Bulletin 251D, dated April 7, 2009, which recommends removing and replacing a fuel tank treated with this product and installed in any PA-28-, PA-32- and/or PA-34-series aircraft.
Part Total Time: 6.0 hours
Cessna 172M
Stuck Starter Contactor
The engine starter contactor (p/n 111-138D) stuck in the closed position. Once the master switch was energized, the starter motor would immediately engage. The master switch had to be turned off to stop the starter-and the propeller-from turning.
According to the submitter, the defect seems to coincide with the use of high-torque starters.
Part Total Time: 144.0 hours
Cessna 310
Failed Landing Gear Rod End
A main landing gear lock assembly (p/n 0841000-58) rod end (p/n HM-4) broke when the pilot attempted to extend the landing gear in flight, resulting in a gear-up landing. Inspection revealed the rod end had cracked prior to the event flight.
A probable cause was fatigue failure due to the age of the component. Proactive replacement, based on time in service, was recommended.
Part Total Time: 3688.7 hours
Piper PA-31-350
Electrical Power Failure
Loose battery cables led to a complete loss of electrical power while in level flight, IFR at 13,000 feet. Loose cables (p/n 80009-04) caused loss of the aircrafts battery power. When the alternators were unable to carry the load, it resulted in a total electrical loss.
Part Total Time: unknown
Continental IO-360-G2B
Stretched Cylinder Studs
During engine final assembly, many cylinder studs (p/n: 643651-1) seemed to be pulling from the case rather than achieving the proper torque. A cylinder was removed, revealing stretched studs. The studs center portions were obviously elongated and narrowed. The studs stretch at between 220-350 inch-pounds of torque, well under the specified final value.
Part Total Time: unknown.