It’s no secret that winter weather can wreak havoc on otherwise routine aircraft operations. One of the most common signs of the season we must deal with is runway contamination, when ice, snow, slush and whatever else Mother Nature throws at the airport can combine to turn an otherwise excellent runway into a skating rink. While getting to the runway may pose its own challenges, getting on or off it can be the most treacherous part of winter flying.
The good news is there’s a well-organized and consistent way to report runway condition observations, which can then be used with manufacturer’s data to realistically predict airplane performance, especially aboard transport category airplanes. The RCAM (Runway Condition Assessment Matrix) system replaces earlier methods of assessing and categorizing runway contamination of all sorts. Understanding RCAM’s background and use can help us assess how different conditions affect both landing and takeoff operations on contaminated runways.
The Catalyst
December 8, 2005. The National Weather Service’s Chicago Regional Forecast office was issuing snow advisories for the Chicago area, with snowfall rates increasing as the day went on. Around 1800 local, there was a winter weather advisory for heavy snow affecting the Chicago area until midnight with an estimated accumulation of six to nine inches.
Into this mess, Southwest Airlines Flight 1248, a Boeing 737-700, launched from Baltimore’s BWI for Chicago’s Midway Airport (MDW). When SWA 1248 arrived MDW, the only runway with approach minimums low enough for the weather resulted in landing with an eight-knot tailwind. Braking action reports the crew were supplied showed the runway condition was good or fair for the first half of the runway, with poor braking action in the second half. Another link in the accident chain was a new autobrake system both crewmembers discussed never having used.
The flight was vectored onto the ILS for Runway 31C. The tower advised braking action “reported good for the first half, poor for the second half.” The aircraft touched down on-centerline, firmly in the touchdown zone, at an appropriate speed of 124 knots. Then things got squirrely.
The captain tried unsuccessfully to deploy the thrust reversers. Further complicating things, the captain felt the autobrake system cycle initially after touchdown but then felt it stop cycling and believed the aircraft was accelerating. After applying manual brakes, the captain made no further attempt to deploy the thrust reversers. The first officer was the pilot monitoring, and also noticed the reduced deceleration during the landing. He exclaimed, “Brakes, brakes, brakes,” and manually applied them. Shortly after, he noticed the throttle column and initiated deployment of the reversers, about 15 seconds after touchdown.
The airplane ran off the departure end of Runway 31C and “continued through the runway safety area (RSA), a blast fence, a navigational aid antenna, across an airport road, through an airport perimeter fence, and onto an adjacent public roadway. The airplane struck a northbound automobile on that roadway before it came to rest near an intersection located on the northwest corner of the airport,” according to the NTSB.
Remarkably, the aircraft had substantial but repairable damage, and flew again. Tragically, when the aircraft struck the automobile, a child was killed, and five additional vehicle occupants were critically injured.
The NTSB determined the accident’s probable cause was the pilot’s failure to use available reverse thrust in a timely manner. There were several contributing factors.
Southwest Airline’s failure to provide clear and consistent guidance and training;
Programming and design of its on-board performance computer;
Southwest’s plan to implement new autobrake procedures without a familiarization period; and
Failure to include a margin of safety in the arrival assessment to account for operational uncertainties.
For many aircraft, RCAM information seems useful but is missing a component. It is all well and good to know the friction component and that a runway has good-to-medium braking action, but if the manufacturer of your flying machine does not publish performance numbers reflecting those conditions, you are left guesstimating.
For example, the Cessna 172R POH I have handy does not reference landing on contaminated runways. It does mention adding 15 percent for takeoff on a grass runway and 45 percent to the ground roll for landing on grass. Excerpts from the Cirrus SR20 POH are shown at right. There’s no guidance about using RCAM data (which nonetheless isn’t required for small airplanes).
On the other hand, the PC-12 Pilot’s Information Manual lists “informational only” corrections to takeoff and landing data. In this case, you calculate normal TOLD and use that number as a reference to see how the different contaminates adversely affect landing data. Transport category aircraft manufacturers publish information specific to the RCAM code, so you can actually run data with “medium-to-poor” RCAM information.
Of course, smaller airports may not publish this data at all. A mitigation strategy here would be calling the airport manager or FBO, but remember what they tell you is subjective. And it can change by the time you get there. This subjectivity should be considered in whatever factor you add to your landing data if your aircraft does not come with contaminated runway corrections and you have a lot of uncomfortable guesswork.
Some Thoughts
I have written before about how most NTSB investigations end with the dreaded pilot error. In this instance, the major error the crew made was not deploying the thrust reversers in a timely manner. The contributing factors read like a list as to why this occurred, which is more important. I can safely say that in an airplane with thrust reversers, I have deployed them shortly after touchdown 100 percent of the time. It is so ingrained in my habit pattern that even landing a plane without thrust reversers, I sometimes attempt to deploy them. Despite these facts, I can see how these links formed and it is something I am diligent in my own flying to prevent. Too often, I hear aviators scoff at errors like the one above.
After thousands of hours and thousands of landings, how could this happen? In this case, with bad weather, system confusion, holding…shoot any time your flying routine is altered, there is a risk for something like this to happen. It can happen to me, or you or any aviator.
This crew was diligent. They ran the numbers appropriately for the weather they were given and created several backup plans. If the tailwind increased to more than the company limitations of 10 knots, they would divert. If the braking action was reported less than fair across the whole runway, they would divert. They landed how and where they were supposed to, and then things quickly deviated from standard.
My point with this is to never take the lessons from accidents like this and dismiss them as just an error. I have heard, “Well, that will never happen to me,” about situations like this, and it drives me mad. This, or something of this nature, could easily happen to a pilot put into similar situation if they are not extremely diligent.
This summary and post-accident analysis are extremely truncated and not meant to serve as an in-depth look at SWA 1248. There is no chance I could capture the nuances and details contained in the 248-page accident investigation, so if excruciating detail is your thing and you want to know more, check that out.
!LGA LGA RWY 13 FICON 1/1/1 100 PRCT ICE OBSERVED AT 1701040230. CONDITIONS NOT MNT 1701040300-1701050300.
LaGuardia Runway 13 is the landing runway and is 100 percent covered by ice. The Runway Condition Code is 1/1/1. The field conditions are not monitored from January 4, 2017 0300UTC through January 5, 2017 0300UTC.
In its final report, the NTSB recommended several regulatory improvements for Part 121 and 135 operators. What resulted from these findings was the Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment Aviation Rulemaking Committee, the TALPA ARC. Among other outcomes, the FAA also created a new requirement for airport operators to use RCAM to categorize conditions for pilots who will use it to predict runway performance based on aircraft manufacturer data.
“The RCAM is presented in a standardized format, based on airplane performance data supplied by airplane manufacturers, for each of the stated contaminant types and depths. The RCAM replaces subjective judgments of runway conditions with objective assessments tied directly to contaminant type and depth categories,” the FAA said when announcing it.
Assigning Values
The RCAM assigns numeric value based on the runway condition and type of contaminate. A value of six is dry and will not be published. Similarly, a zero value results in mandatory closure of the runway until it can be decontaminated. Any runway condition below six and greater than zero will be published in threes, 5/5/5 for example. Each digit refers to a portion of the runway—beginning, middle and end.
The SWA 1248 crew was told different variations of “the first half of the runway is fair and the second is fair.” With RCAM, the phraseology has changed “fair” to “medium.” A more detailed report—which is RCAM’s purpose—may have moved the needle toward diverting.
It’s pure speculation, but imagine instead of the “fair to poor” report, the crew received a 3/2/1 report. This would indicate that the first third of the runway would have medium braking action, the middle third would be medium to poor, and the final third would be poor. Contaminants would be listed with the report. I have asked many pilots around the water cooler if they have or would land in the above (theoretical) conditions and not a single one said “yes.”
As far as guidance goes, the RCAM explanation table reproduced at top left is one of the more self-explanatory pieces the FAA has published. Keep in mind:
Any surface reporting “nil” will be closed until braking action improves;
RCAM reporting is only available for paved runways;
Codes are generated only when the total surface (or cleared width) is contaminated more than 25 percent;
Runway condition codes (RCCs) can be disseminated by Notam, ATC, FSS or by the airport operators via CTAF; and
RCCs are not generated for taxiways, ramps, heliports, etc.
All of this is worth reviewing as we approach winter weather. If landing on contaminated runways at larger airports is a frequent possibility, keeping a printout of the table handy or a file on the EFB is a great idea. Also, accurate reporting of braking action via a Pirep can be lifesaving.
Operating on contaminated runways is a threat, and the more information we can glean, the better. It should be part of thorough preflight planning and updated to the extent possible during flight. If there is ever any doubt about runway condition, make the safe choice regardless of the inconvenience to you or your passengers.
After a career as a Part 135 pilot, flight instructor and check airman, Ryan Motte recently got hired by a major airline and is now flying as a Part 121 first officer.