August 1, 2023, Sandersville, Ga.
Velocity V-Twin Experimental
At about 0922 Eastern time, the airplane was substantially damaged in an apparent loss-of-control event following engine failure shortly after takeoff. The pilot sustained serious injuries; the passenger was fatally injured.
The day before the accident flight, the airplane’s powerplants were inspected by a local mechanic authorized by the engine manufacturer. The mechanic reported the inspection included checking valve clearance tolerances and adjusting the right propeller brush blocks; “ground operation was checked, and no leaks were noted.”
On the day of the accident, the pilot added 60 gallons of fuel and, after startup, told the mechanic that “ground operation was normal.” A local law enforcement officer who saw the airplane in flight reported engine noise “seemed to change pitch,” the airplane “banked right” and that it “appeared to descend quickly.” The pilot told first responders the airplane “had an engine failure.”
August 2, 2023, Van Nuys, Calif.
Czech Sport Aircraft SportCruiser
The airplane was destroyed at about 1036 Pacific time when it collided with terrain while maneuvering after a reported partial power loss. The flight instructor and student pilot were fatally injured.
According to ADS-B data, on the go from a touch-and-go landing, the airplane’s groundspeed was 50 knots, 10 knots slower than previous trips around the pattern. The airplane transitioned to the downwind leg, where the data show 71 knots of groundspeed at 471 feet agl, the highest the airplane got on this circuit. While on the downwind, the airplane performed a 360-degree turn and then flew a low, close-in downwind. Abeam the takeoff runway threshold, it turned left. As the bank angle increased, its nose dropped lower as it descended to the ground in a near-vertical attitude. The airframe parachute did not deploy; the flaps appeared to be retracted.
During the accident flight, the crew indicated to ATC, “We are having some power loss,” and requested “priority landing.” After ATC cleared the airplane to land on any runway, the crew told ATC, “We are having exhaust gas temperature issues.” The airplane came to rest about 425 feet from and adjacent to the runway’s displaced threshold.
August 5, 2023, Peyton, Colo.
Nanchang CJ-6A
At about 1206 Mountain time, the airplane was substantially damaged when it reportedly stalled and spun while maneuvering for landing before striking terrain. The solo pilot was fatally injured.
Several witnesses observed the accident airplane and another of similar configuration engaged in aerobatic maneuvers and formation flying. They reported the two airplanes flew a formation low-altitude pass down the runway, separate at the departure end and enter a left traffic pattern. One witness reported seeing the accident airplane pitch up, roll nearly inverted and then enter a spin with one or two rotations before impacting the ground. Another witness reported the airplane was in a right-banked descent with its nose down; its engine was loud as it descended below the tree line.
August 10, 2023, Junction City, Ga.
Cessna P210N Pressurized Centurion
The airplane was substantially damaged at about 1005 Eastern time after it entered a rapidly descending right turn from cruising altitude before impacting terrain. The airplane’s left wing and part of its empennage were located more than a half-mile from the main wreckage, suggesting in-flight airframe failure. The solo pilot was fatally injured. An IFR flight plan had been filed.
According to preliminary ADS-B data, the airplane was en route at FL200 when ATC lost radar and radio contact. The ADS-B data show the airplane entering an area of heavy precipitation before it began its rapid descent.
August 12, 2023, Virden, Ill.
Van’s RV-14 Experimental
At about 0848 Central time, the airplane was substantially damaged when it impacted terrain under unknown circumstances. The solo pilot was fatally injured.
Witnesses observed the airplane flying inverted. Some reported the engine made unusual noises. One observed the airplane bank left and roll upright before descending and impacting trees, then terrain. Evidence at the scene was consistent with a 45-degree, nose-low impact.
August 12, 2023, Haines City, Fla.
Piper PA-32-300 Cherokee Six 300
The airplane was substantially damaged at 0913 Eastern time when it impacted trees and terrain after a partial power loss. The solo private pilot received minor injuries.
According to the pilot, the engine’s spark plugs had been replaced, and this was the first flight out of maintenance. He performed a preflight inspection and engine run-up with no anomalies; he indicated that “the engine had never run smoother.” During initial climb, when he adjusted the controls, engine power decreased to 1200 rpm. The pilot performed remedial actions, but the engine did not respond. The airplane continued to descend over a heavily wooded area until striking trees.
August 13, 2023, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Piper PA-24-250 Comanche 250
At about 1250 Central time, the airplane was substantially damaged in an off-airport landing following engine failure. The solo pilot was seriously injured.
Nearing the destination, the pilot told ATC he was losing rpm, and he was going to make an emergency landing on Interstate 35. According to a witness, the airplane impacted power lines, which were about 95 feet agl, before it impacted a sloped grassy area on the east side of the Interstate highway. The right wing tip and about two feet of the outboard right wing were found under the power lines. The grass along the debris path exhibited a considerable amount of fuel blight. The throttle, mixture, carburetor heat and propeller controls were found in their full forward positions. The main fuel cell and auxiliary fuel cell in the left wing were crushed due to impact damage. The right main fuel cell did not contain any fuel; the right auxiliary fuel cell was full of fuel. The fuel selector valve was set to the right main cell.
August 20, 2023, Hanover, Ill.
Pietenpol Aircamper Experimental
The airplane was substantially damaged at about 0800 Central time when it was force-landed in a corn field after losing partial power while en route. The solo pilot sustained minor injuries. About 45 minutes after departure, the engine lost partial power. The pilot attempted a forced landing but impacted terrain short of the intended site.
The airplane was equipped with an inline four-cylinder liquid-cooled Ford Model A engine with a dual sparkplug ignition system. The pilot departed with full fuel, and examination revealed non-ethanol automotive gasoline was present throughout the fuel system. All plugs produced spark and thumb compression was obtained when the engine was manually rotated.
August 21, 2023, Durant, Okla.
Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain
At about 1048 Central time, the airplane was substantially damaged when landing after its right engine failed catastrophically and caught fire. The solo pilot was not injured.
The pilot reported that while en route on a surveying flight, he heard and felt a bang from the right side of the airplane. He saw the right engine nacelle had a hole in it, and the engine was on fire. He pulled the mixture control to idle, turned off the fuel selector and closed the firewall fuel switch. This appeared to stop the engine fire. The pilot diverted to a nearby airport. While on short final, the engine fire reignited; the pilot landed the airplane, taxied clear of the runway and egressed as the engine fire continued to burn, eventually consuming the right engine and a majority of the fuselage.
August 21, 2023, Napa, Calif.
Cessna T210M Turbo Centurion
The airplane was substantially damaged at 1208 Pacific time when its landing gear failed while landing. The pilot, pilot-rated passenger and non-rated passenger were uninjured.
The airplane was being ferried for its annual inspection. On initial climb, passing through 3500 feet msl, the airplane experienced a total electrical failure. The pilot elected to return to the departure airport. Prior to landing, the landing gear would not extend, so the pilot performed the manual gear extension procedure, pumping the handle about 55 times and then did a tower fly-by. After ATC told her the gear appeared to be down, the pilot landed. The landing gear collapsed and the airplane skidded off the right side of the runway, damaging the right wing and right horizontal stabilizer.
August 22, 2023, Litchfield, Maine
Beech C99 Commuter
At about 1740 Eastern time, the airplane was destroyed when it collided with terrain under unknown circumstances. The commercial pilot receiving instruction and the flight instructor were fatally injured.
The commercial pilot was undergoing initial training for the FAR Part 135 all-cargo carrier. After takeoff, the airplane flew a practice approach to the departure airport and executed the missed approach procedure. It then entered a holding pattern. While completing the first turn of the holding pattern, the airplane entered a steep descent and impacted terrain. A pilot-rated witness observed the airplane and recognized it as a “Beech 99.” The engines sounded “very smooth.” He looked away for a few seconds, and when he looked up again, the airplane was in a “steep dive.” It descended wings-level, with smooth-sounding engines. The airplane disappeared behind trees, and he then heard a “loud boom.” Based on the impact path and tree damage, the airplane’s descent angle was about 20 degrees, with a 10-degree, right-wing-low bank.
August 27, 2023, Cape Yakataga, Alaska
Beech B36TC Turbocharged Bonanza
The airplane was destroyed at about 1000 Alaska time when it impacted terrain after an apparent uncontrolled descent from 15,000 feet. The pilot and passenger were fatally injured.
The airplane operated on an IFR flight plan, departing Glennallen, Alaska, at 0850, destined for Ketchikan, Alaska, 615 nm away. Radar, ADS-B and communications contact were intermittent along the route due to terrain. At 0922, ATC cleared the flight to 14,000 feet; at 0938, as relayed by a nearby aircraft, the pilot acknowledged a 20-degree heading change to avoid high terrain. At 0953, after reestablishing direct radio contact with ATC, the pilot requested 15,000 feet, which was approved. Five minutes later, ATC queried the flight, saying, “I see you rapidly descending at 11,000.” There were no further communications from the accident flight. According to ADS-B data, at 0957 the airplane reached its highest altitude of 14,950 feet, and then began a left turn and rapid descent. The final data point was obtained at 0959.
Weather observed near the accident site included an overcast at 3400 feet agl, with tops above 22,000 feet and rain at the surface. Conditions were favorable for light-to-moderate rime icing above the 12,280-foot freezing level.
August 30, 2023, Wichita, Kan.
Cessna 210B Centurion
At about 1314 Central time, the airplane sustained substantial damage when it lost power during a takeoff attempt. The pilot, flight instructor and passenger received minor injuries.
On two earlier takeoff attempts, the airplane was taken back to a maintenance facility when magneto checks revealed engine roughness. One spark plug was replaced and the subsequent engine checks were satisfactory. During takeoff, ATC advised there was smoke coming from the airplane. Subsequently, the airplane’s engine lost partial power and its crew executed a forced landing to a field north of the runway. During the off-airport landing, the airplane crossed a ditch, impacting the opposite side and separating the nose and left main landing gear.