Know When To Fold ‘Em

A brand-new instrument pilot turns down a short ferry flight in the middle of a snow storm for reasons.

Training And Certification Advisory Circulars Revised

The recently released ACs address the FAA’s pilot/instructor training and certification guidance.

Distracted To Death

The first rule of aviation is to ‘fly the airplane,’ even in the face of distractions.

Expanding Your Preflights

‘Kick the tires and light the fires’ only works in the movies. The rest of us should tailor inspections to the aircraft’s needs. 

So Many Altitudes

The one you should be concerned with depends on how you measure it, and how hot or cold conditions might be. 

Someone To Watch Over Me

‘Poor pilot’s IFR’ can come in very handy in busy airspace. Ask for it before you think you’ll need it, and listen up.

I Thought Of It Later

Formation flying is not something you want to do on a whim. Doing it properly requires planning and proper procedures.