Foreign Affairs
Away from the warm embrace of North Dakota, our hero takes on foreign ATC, poorly marked pavement, U.S. Customs and even Florida. Along the way, lessons were learned.
UNICOM—February 2025
Expanded Preflights Thanks for Ryan Motte’s January 2024 article on pre-flight inspections, “Expanding Your Preflights.” I especially appreciate the sidebar on post-flight inspections, which I think are under utilized. I’d expand your list of items to...
Final Checks
As these pilots discovered, a takeoff clearance at a busy towered airport doesn’t always mean there isn’t a potential conflict.
NTSB Accident Reports—January 2025
A monthly summary of recently published NTSB preliminary accident reports involving general aviation and air carrier aircraft.
Piper Cherokee SDRs
The following is derived from maintenance facility submissions to the FAA’s Service Difficulty Reports database.
Know When To Fold ‘Em
A brand-new instrument pilot turns down a short ferry flight in the middle of a snow storm for reasons.
Training And Certification Advisory Circulars Revised
The recently released ACs address the FAA’s pilot/instructor training and certification guidance.